How Long Does Microblading Last?

How Long Does Microblading Last?

How Long Does Microblading Last?

Getting a microblading procedure is an investment. If you are interested in getting this permanent makeup treatment, you would also like to know its longevity.

Microblading done well can enhance the brows and add volume, fill in sparseness and correct color and shape. It lasts very long which adds to its popularity.

Keep reading to find out more information on how long microblading lasts.

How long does microblading last

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How Long Does Microblading Last on Average?

A Microblading procedure lasts for about 12 to 18 months without touch ups.

Some factors can make fading go faster while some people’s procedures last over 3 years. It’s necessary to know these factors which are discussed below. These can help you make a more informed decision.

What Is Microblading?

A form of permanent makeup, microblading is a popular option to get natural looking brows with an enhanced look. The procedure is done by making small incisions in the second layer of the skin to mimic hair strokes using a multi-needle tool. A special pigment is deposited into the scratches and can last up to 3 years with proper care.

The result is natural looking but is waterproof and resistant to sweat and does not come off unlike with makeup.

Touch up appointments are necessary to maintain the quality of the brows and are recommended to be booked at least once a year.

Does microblading last?Wait, Isn’t an Eyebrow Tattoo Permanent?

Although it is a form of brow tattoo, there are differences with the modern brow procedures. Particularly in the pigments used and longevity. Microblading pigments are used for the modern brow treatments and in time, the body breaks it down and it fades unlike with tattoo ink.

What Factors Determine How Long Does Microblading Last?

There are a number of factors that can affect the longevity of a microblading procedure which often lasts up to 12 to 18 months without touch ups.

Here are the factors that can affect longevity the most:

Microblading Aftercare

It is important to follow the instructions of your artist for how to take care of your brows after treatment.

Following an aftercare routine ensures that the pigment and the treated skin heals properly. During the healing process, scabs will form from the incisions. It is important to let them fall off naturally or risk taking pigment off with it.

Does microblade last?Skin Type and Texture

Microblading is best done on normal to dry skin and it lasts up to 18 months or more. The treatment fades much faster for those with oily skin. The sebum production for this skin type makes it difficult for the pigment to stay. Large pores have the same effect.

The procedure can still be done but more frequent touch ups are necessary. In this case, powder brows is an alternative procedure recommended for this skin type since it can last longer than microblading on oily skin.

Excessive Sweating or Swimming

Lifestyle choices can also have an impact on longevity. Often engaging in physical activity or living in hot climates make sweating difficult to avoid. Sweating can take some pigment with it and promotes fading. Likewise, the salt in sweat can dry out the pigments.

Swimming in the ocean or in swimming pools with the saltwater and treatment chemicals can accelerate fading. These activities can affect pigment retention.

Frequent Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight can affect the treated area. The chemical reaction can cause the pigments to change color or fade much faster.

Certain Skincare Products and Facials

After getting a microblading procedure, there is a time period when you cannot use your usual skincare routine.

There are ingredients commonly found in skin products that accelerate fading. Particularly, retinol and acids. Exfoliation is not recommended as it speeds up cell turnover and speeds up pigment fading.

Pigment Quality

Getting high quality pigment can make the procedure last longer. Higher quality pigments are often pricier which increases the cost of the whole procedure.

Your Overall System

Overall, each body is unique and can react in different ways to the pigment and procedure. There are some clients who are more sensitive to the pigments which speeds up fading. For example, some artists notice that using iron-oxide based pigments do not last long on clients who are anemic or have iron deficiencies.

It is important to consider these factors since it can never be ensured how the body will react to the pigment or to the whole treatment.


There is no sure way to calculate how long a microblading procedure will last on you based on the above factors.

What can be done is take into consideration these factors and make small adjustments to avoid the sun or using products that can speed up fading.

How Can I Make Microblading Last Longer?

Other than taking into consideration lifestyle choices, another way to maintain the quality of microblading procedures is by booking touch ups.

The first touch up is mandatory but the next ones are completely up to the client. Also called color boosts, these procedures are recommended to be done at least once a year. More pigment is added to the treatment area and any gaps can be corrected and filled in.

For clients with oily skin, they may notice the pigment fades much faster so they would require more frequent touch ups.

Will My Microblading Fade Completely without Touch Ups?

Microblading procedures are semi-permanent and the pigments fade over time. There are some cases when the pigments stay put such as when they were inserted too deep. Other times, the body is not able to break down some components of the pigment.

The skin and body’s reaction to the pigment is unique for each client. But in general, the microblading procedure fades into a shadow which can be corrected with a color correction. And in 4 years, it will barely be visible.

Is Microblading Removal Possible?

Yes, it is possible to remove microblading treatments. There are DIY methods and more professional options such as saline removal. There are also faster options such as laser removal but it costs more time and money.

How long does it last?Main Takeaways

Generally, microblading can last up to 18 months but some factors can affect longevity.

Although every client’s skin and body might react differently to the pigment, a touch up appointment can help boost color and correct any imperfections.

Enjoy your brows and know there are treatments to help keep your treatment last longer.

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