Cost of Microblading

Cost of Microblading

Cost of Microblading

Find out how much it costs to get a microblading procedure across the United States. Since it is a popular service being offered, the pricing can vary based on a number of factors but the average price is approximately $600.

Read on to find out how much the treatment would cost in your state.

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How Much Does Microblading Cost on Average?

The cost depends on the following factors:

  • Location of the clinic
  • Competition in the area
  • Experience of the aesthetician
  • Artist's popularity
  • Education background

On average, the procedure costs a little less than $600 but it can range as low as $250 to even a whopping $2000.

Microblading cost

How Much Does Microblading Cost in the USA?

In the US, the average price of a microblading procedure is $597. But based on certain factors, it can range from $250 to $2000.

Below is a list of average cost of a microblading procedure based on different cities in the US. The prices below include the initial session and the mandatory touch up. Any additional touch up treatments are charged separately. Consultation fees and taxes and some additional fees may apply.

  City/ State Average cost Price range
 Jacksonville, FL  $450.00  $300 – $600
Tucson, AZ $460.00 $350 – $600
Palm Beach, FL $475.00 $300 – $675
San Antonio, TX $490.00 $300 – $675
Phoenix, AZ $500.00 $350 – $675
Fort Worth, TX $515.00 $375 – $600
 Jacksonville, FL  $450.00  $300 – $600
Olympia, WA $530.00 $450 – $700
Albany, NY $550.00 $450 – $700
Cleveland, OH $550.00 $450 – $800
San Diego, CA $560.00 $400 – $800
Houston, TX $570.00 $450 – $800
Salem, OR $595.00 $495 – $1000
Columbus, OH $600.00 $500 – $750
Portland, OR $630.00 $400 – $885
Chicago, IL $640.00 $350 – $1200
Seattle, WA $670.00 $550 – $950
Los Angeles, CA $675.00 $400 – $1500
San Francisco, CA $700.00 $550 – $1000
Dallas, TX $715.00 $250 – $1100
Miami, FL $720.00 $250 – $2000
Aurora Area, IL $735.00 $400 – $1400
NYC, NY $800.00 $385 – $2000

From the list, the lowest price range for a treatment is from Jacksonville, Florida while the estimates from New York City have the highest prices.

What's Included in the Microblading Price?

The cost of the procedure includes the initial treatment and the mandatory touch up. The first session takes 2 to 3 hours and before that, the artist meets with the client for a consultation to discuss the shape and plan for the brows.

After the initial session, the artist will provide instructions for aftercare during the healing process. The second visit included in the cost is the touch up which is done 6 to 8 weeks after the first visit. This session is to fix any imperfections or to fill in any patchy areas in the brows.

Are Touch-Ups Included in the Price of Microblading?

Generally, the mandatory touch up session is included in the microblading price. But it is important to clarify with your artist.

The touch up appointment is important because without it, the brows would look unfinished. For salons that charge it separately, the post is around $100. Any touch ups after the first mandatory one will be charged per extra session.

If you want your treatment to last longer, make sure to book frequent touch up appointments. Doing this prolongs the durability of the treatment but also increases the total cost spent for the microblading procedure.

Longer time between the initial session and the touch up increases the price as well.

How much is microblading

Will My Skin Type Affect the Price of Microblading?

Clients with dry skin are preferred candidates for microblading procedures compared to people with oily skin. However the initial price is the same regardless of skin type.

The difference in cost shows up with the need for more frequent touch up appointments for people with oily skin since the microblading will fade away faster.

Lifestyle choices should also be considered if you want your treatment to last longer. Excessive sweating from working out or swimming and staying under the sun can speed up fading. Certain skin care products also accelerate fading, especially those with retinol and vitamin A.

More additional touch ups will consequently increase the total cost spent to maintain your microblading brows.

What Does the Price of Microblading Depend On?

Let's look at the factors that affects the price of a microblading procedure:

Artist's certification

Not all microblading artists are certified. Regulations for certification vary based on the state and some practicing artists are self-taught. The price can be as low as $200 from these artists.

But for licensed aestheticians, their services are naturally pricier. Clients are able to put more trust in them, especially if they came from a well-known academy.

Artist's experience

Having experience in doing microblading procedures and the before and after photos to prove it, can help set a higher price for the service. Skill also hikes up with more practice and so does popularity and the price for the service. So an artist's reputation is important for pricing.

There is a hierarchy among PMU artists with Master Artists at the top, who have the most expensive services. Those who are just starting out and those working under the supervision of more experienced artists charge less for their services. But cheaper services do not always mean lower quality. The price for the artists who are at the lower end of the hierarchy start around $300.

Tools and equipment

The materials that the aesthetician uses can also have an impact on pricing. There are tools and equipment available in the market that are made of high quality materials and are more expensive than other tools. Better quality materials and pigments also lead to better microblading outputs.

When the artist invests on high quality materials, the cost of the procedure from that artist can also be more expensive.

Microblade Cost


The area where the salon is located can be a significant factor in the cost of the microblading procedure. Rent in smaller towns may be lower than in larger cities, but there are more salons who offer the service in bigger cities so prices may still vary.


Lastly, the competition in the area can spike up the price of the treatment. If there's only a few salons in the area, the prices are likely to be within the same range.

With more competition, the prices can vary based on where they are on the hierarchy. Master Artists can charge almost three times the price of lesser known artists.

How Do I Choose a Microblading Salon Based on the Price?

A good start is by asking around your area for the cost of their microblading service, this can help give you an average cost for the procedure. You can also check out the list of average prices from the section above.

Treating your brows to a microblading procedure is an investment that would last for a year. Getting a low priced treatment may be better for the pocket but the quality of the result may not be to your standard. So it's a good idea to look for a stable middle price. So look for an artist that charges around the average cost in your area.

Just remember, better materials, artist experience and service often comes with a higher price tag. Sometimes the price is higher just because of the brand or a well-known academy.

If you have means to travel, you can check out the prices of nearby towns and cities if they are lower than in your area.

Note: Carefully check out the salon before deciding where you will get your microblading procedure.

Take note especially of the experience of the artist and look at the before and after pictures of their work.

Cost of Microblading

Does Microblading Pay Off?

Despite the price it costs to get your brows done semi-permanently, it eventually saves you time and effort to draw and fill in your brows every morning. Your brows will be left looking more natural and even and you never have to worry if they get smudged or washed away.

Getting your brows done comes with the subtle enhancement of your whole face which would in turn, boost your overall confidence.

For those with thin and sparse brows, there will no longer be a struggle to get the right shape and look every day. The final look and confidence boost can be worth any price, in the end.

Main Takeaways

The cost of a microblading procedure varies based on a number of factors such as the salon, the experience of the artist and the quality of tools used, etc.

Despite the price tag, having effortlessly perfect brows when you wake up in the morning can have a positive impact on the person's look and confidence. The procedure lasts a long time and it takes a central role in the face, so now is not the time to cut corners. It is important to get to know the salons in your area to find the one that fits your needs and standards.

The skill of the artist and the final result should be more important than the price.

Explore more about Microblading:

Overview Healing Process Aftercare Cost Before and After Touch Up Scabbing For Oily Skin Combo Brows Combo Brows vs Microblading For Men Beard & Mustache For Blondes While Pregnant DIY Gone Wrong How Long Does it Last Fading Removal Consent Form Licensing & Regulations Certification

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