Permanent Makeup Removal

Permanent Makeup Removal

All You Need to Know About Permanent Makeup Removal

In case you find yourself unhappy with your permanent makeup procedure, there are now options to remove it. These are through laser, glycolic acid, or saline removal. Keep reading to answer your questions about risks, costs, aftercare, or more.

Getting a Permanent Makeup Procedure

Getting a permanent makeup procedure is a great way to enhance your look. The treatments can recreate the look of having makeup and can even cover up minor imperfections.

The treatments do not wash off and can last for months and even years, but it depends on the specific treatment. In case a client is unsatisfied with the results, they can wait for the treatment to fade naturally. The other option is to get it removed by a professional.

Understanding Permanent Makeup Removal

Is Permanent Makeup Really Permanent?

Permanent makeup is designed to be long-lasting but not necessarily permanent. The pigment used for permanent makeup is different from the traditional body art ink.

It is deposited at a shallow layer of the skin, where the natural cycle of cell turnover helps it fade naturally. The longevity of permanent makeup can vary depending on factors such as the person's skin type, the type of pigment used, and the location of the treatment.

Is Permanent Makeup Removal Possible?

Yes, it is possible to remove permanent makeup, although it can be challenging.

Several methods can be used to remove permanent makeup, including laser removal, saline removal, and glycolic acid removal. However, it is important to note that permanent makeup removal can be painful, expensive, and may not always be 100% effective.

Ways of Permanent Makeup Removal

What PMU Removal Methods Are There?

There are three methods for removing PMU. Learn more about them below.

Aside from these methods, there are some cheaper alternatives but are less effective such as topical chemical solution removal and intense exfoliation through microdermabrasion. These are yet to be proven and may just accelerate fading.

Laser Removal

Take note that this removal method should only be done after 6 months since the treatment. If done sooner, the pigment intensity can cause the laser to damage the skin.

How Does It Work?

Laser removal uses a high-intensity laser to break down the pigment particles in the skin. The laser light heats and vibrates the pigment particles, causing them to shatter into smaller pieces that the body's immune system can then eliminate.

Is It Effective?

Laser removal is considered the most effective method for permanent makeup removal, with up to 95% of the pigment removed. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on the type of pigment used and the location of the treatment.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions required for laser removal can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the pigment. On average, it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 sessions to remove the pigment completely, with significant fading after the first session.

PMU Removal

Is It Safe?

Laser removal is generally safe when performed by a trained professional. This treatment can cause a lot of trauma to the skin with a low chance of scarring.

Does It Hurt?

Laser removal can be painful, and many people describe the sensation as similar to being snapped with a rubber band. However, a topical anesthetic can be applied to reduce discomfort during the procedure. The good thing is that it's over in 20 minutes.

What's the Healing Like?

After laser removal, the treated area may be red, swollen, and sensitive. Scabbing and crusting may also occur. Healing time can vary but usually takes 4 to 8 weeks.

How Much Does It Cost?

Laser removal can be expensive and they are charged per session. The prices range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per session, depending on the size of the area being treated. The average price is $215.

Saline Removal

How Does It Work?

Saline removal involves injecting a saline solution into the skin, which creates a scab over the area. As the scab heals, it lifts the pigment out of the skin.

Is It Effective?

Saline removal can be effective in removing some or all of the pigment if done correctly. It may require multiple treatments and can leave scarring. This treatment works for all pigment colors and can remove the pigments almost entirely.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions required for saline removal can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the pigment. On average, it can take anywhere from 2 to 8 sessions to remove the pigment completely.

Is It Safe?

Saline removal is generally considered safe when performed by a trained professional. However, it can cause scarring and changes in skin pigmentation.

Does It Hurt?

Saline removal can be painful, and many people describe the sensation as similar to being snapped with a rubber band. A topical anesthetic can be applied to reduce discomfort during the procedure.

What's the Healing Like?

After saline removal, the treated area may be red, swollen, and sensitive. Scabbing and crusting may also occur. Healing time can vary but usually takes a few weeks. It is similar to the healing period after you got your PMU tattoo.

How Much Does It Cost?

Saline removal can be less expensive than laser removal, with average prices ranging from $250 to $500, depending on the size of the area being treated and the skill of your artist.

Glycolic Acid Removal

How Does It Work?

Glycolic acid removal involves applying a glycolic acid solution to the treated area, which breaks down the pigment and causes it to fade.

Is It Effective?

Glycolic acid removal can be effective in fading the pigment, and it works for all pigment colors. It may require multiple treatments and can leave scarring.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions required for glycolic acid removal can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the pigment. On average, it can take several sessions to achieve the desired results. Usually, it takes between 2 to 10 sessions.

Is It Safe?

Glycolic acid removal is generally considered safe when performed by a trained professional. However, it can cause skin irritation, burns, and changes in skin pigmentation.

Does It Hurt?

Glycolic acid removal can be uncomfortable, and many people describe a burning or stinging sensation during the procedure. A topical anesthetic can be applied to reduce discomfort. You might feel some pressure and scratching sensations.

What's the Healing Like?

After glycolic acid removal, the treated area may be red, swollen, and sensitive. Scabbing and crusting may also occur. Keep the area dry for the first few days then if an ointment is prescribed, make sure to use it following the instructions of your artist.

How Much Does It Cost?

Glycolic acid removal prices range from $400 to $700 per session, depending on the size of the area being treated. However, because it may require multiple sessions, the cost can add up over time.

Emergency Permanent Makeup Removal

In emergency situations, where permanent makeup has been improperly applied or has resulted in an allergic reaction, immediate removal may be necessary.

An option is emergency saline removal which has to be done within 48 hours after getting the treatment. The tech applies the saline solution to the treated area since the skin is still open from the initial treatment.

Waiting more than 2 days will make the emergency removal no longer an option. You will have to wait 4 to 6 weeks after the skin heals.

It is important to note that attempting to remove permanent makeup at home or without professional help can be dangerous and may result in scarring or infection. In emergency situations, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a trained professional who can properly assess the situation and provide the appropriate treatment.

Additionally, individuals should take precautions to avoid allergic reactions or improper application of permanent makeup by seeking out reputable and experienced technicians and following all aftercare instructions. In the event of an emergency, seeking prompt medical attention and professional removal services can help ensure the best possible outcome.

How Do I Choose the Best Removal Tech?

When choosing a removal technician for permanent makeup removal, it is important to consider their experience, qualifications, and the methods they use. Look for a technician who is licensed, experienced in the specific type of removal you need, and has a good track record of successful removals.

You may also want to read reviews from past clients and ask for before and after photos of their work. It is important to choose a removal technician you feel comfortable with and who can answer all of your questions.

Removing Permanent MakeupRisks and Side-Effects of Removing Permanent Makeup

Are There Any Risks to Permanent Makeup Removal?

While permanent makeup removal is generally safe, there are some risks involved. These can include scarring, changes in skin pigmentation, infection, and allergic reactions.

Healing Process and Aftercare for Permanent Makeup Removal

What's the Aftercare Process for Permanent Makeup Removal?

After permanent makeup removal, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your removal technician. This may include avoiding sun exposure, applying ointment to the treated area, and avoiding certain activities such as swimming or using makeup for a period of time.

It is important to keep the treated area clean and dry and to avoid picking at scabs or blisters that may form. It may take several weeks for the treated area to fully heal, and it is important to continue to care for it during this time.

If you experience any unusual symptoms or complications, such as excessive bleeding or pain, it is important to contact your removal technician or seek medical attention immediately.

Understanding the Reasons for Permanent Makeup Removal

Should I Get Permanent Makeup Removal?

You may consider permanent makeup removal if you are unhappy with the appearance of your permanent makeup or if it has caused an allergic reaction or other complication.

Some common reasons are:

  • Not liking how it looks
  • Want to get rid of the look
  • Not fading properly
  • Smudged or messy look

It is important to consider the risks and benefits of permanent makeup removal and to consult with a removal technician to determine if it is the right option for you.

Removing Eyebrow Tattoos

How Can Eyebrow Tattoos Be Removed?

Eyebrow tattoos can be removed using several methods, including laser removal,saline removal, and glycolic acid removal. The specific method used will depend on the individual's skin type and the type of eyebrow tattoo.

Removing Eyeliner Tattoos

How Can PMU Eyeliner Be Removed?

Very few artists offer removal services for permanent eyeliner.

Using laser removal for eyeliner tattoos may be risky, so only a few experienced technicians offer it. They also have specific equipment for this procedure. The therapy entails placing metal plates into your eyes that look like contact lenses and protect the cornea from injury. Because the eyelids are so sensitive and their skin is thin, the procedure can be rather painful, even with numbing. Swelling and bruising are common side effects - nothing major, just bothersome.

It is possible to do saline or glycolic acid removal of eyeliner tattoos, but very few technicians offer the service since it requires meticulous technique.

Removing Lip Tattoos

How Can Lip Tattoos Be Removed?

Lip tattoos can be removed using saline removal or glycolic acid removal, especially if it is just the lip liner on the border of the lips. Laser removal is not an option since the pigments used in lip tattoos contain titanium dioxide. Using a laser on this will turn the pigments gray.

It is challenging to find a technician that offers the removal of the tattoo on the lips. But this can be easily covered up with makeup and frequent exfoliation.

PMU Removal Techniques

Removing Scalp Micropigmentation

How Does Scalp Micropigmentation Removal Work?

Scalp micropigmentation removal is typically done using laser removal, which targets the pigment in the scalp and breaks it down for removal by the body. The specific method used will depend on the individual's skin type and the type of scalp micropigmentation.

Keep in mind, however, that laser removal is dangerous for people with dark skin. They are more likely to develop hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation (skin lightening or darkening).

Although saline and glycolic acid are technically viable options, the area is simply too vast to be treated in this manner.

How much does Permanent Makeup Removal Cost

The cost of permanent makeup removal will depend on several factors, including the method used, the size and location of the treated area, and the number of sessions required.

Laser and saline removals range around $250, while glycolic removal is more expensive with an average price per session at $440.

Permanent Makeup Removal: Key Points to Know

Permanent makeup removal is a process of removing or lightening the pigment of tattooed makeup from the skin. The most common types of permanent makeup include eyebrow tattoos, eyeliner tattoos, lip tattoos, and scalp micropigmentation.

The main takeaway is that there are various methods available for permanent makeup removal, including laser removal, saline removal, and glycolic acid removal.

However, permanent makeup removal can be a complex and potentially risky process, so it is important to do your research and choose a qualified and experienced removal technician. Additionally, aftercare is crucial to ensure proper healing and minimize any potential risks or complications.

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